前 言
● 画了几十年的画,概而言之,“形”“神”而已。
● 如果说“人物画”是一筐水果,那么,我执意的是那只苹果、香蕉, 或是梨头。
● 一个甲子又一轮,也算小有了年岁。本命年,选几张画办个画展,在北京。 会会新朋老友,听听同行絮叨,不为别的,只是一种生活的“绿”。
● 于我,画画是兴趣,是“衣食谋”,是报效社会的能力……
这是一种福份,感谢上苍厚爱, 时代祐我。
● 今天,我们相邀在这里,下一个龙年,我还在这里等候,不见不散,谁也不能缺席。“不亦乐乎”? “不亦君子乎”!
壬辰 • 八月
I have been painting for 10 years. Simply put, painting is about "shape" and "soul".
If portrait painting is a basket of fruit, I'm mesmerized by that very apple, banana or pear.
Another 12-year cycle has gone by, and I'm getting up there. This is the year of the dragon, my birth year. I have picked some works and organized this show in Beijing. Catching up with old pals, meeting new friends and discussing tirelessly with peers - there is no particular purpose other than keeping life "green".
For me, painting is an interest, "a way to make a living" and an ability to give back to the society…….
Be it overwhelming and dramatic, be it quiet and peaceful, life has since been filled with "shapes" and "colors" because of her.
And now, that heaviness has faded away, and the once overtly aggressive passion has turned into a calming length, as if it is another "old partner" of mine.
In this life, I'm destined to accompany her, not letting go. Together we walk towards the furthest of life.
I am grateful for the grand love the creator has given me. It's my luck. This era blesses me.
Today, we see each other here as promised. When the next year of the dragon comes, I will be right here waiting for you - be there or be square, no one shall be missed. "Is it not delightful"? "Is this not what gentlemen do"!
August, 2012
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